- Tue, 10/20/2015 - 19:27
Research Interests: Computer Science Education, Parallel and Distributed Systems, VLSI and Embedded Systems, GSM and Cellular Technology, Software Optimization, Automotive Networks, Computer Applications in Music
- Tue, 10/20/2015 - 19:27
Research Interests: Water-related extreme weather hazards, their impacts on infrastructure and societies, and nature-based climate adaptation strategies.
- Tue, 10/20/2015 - 19:27
Research Interests: Wireless Communications, Computer Networks, Stochastic Models, Statistical Signal Processing, Computer, and Network Security
- Tue, 10/20/2015 - 19:27
Research Interests: Environmental engineering, water resources engineering, hydrology, remote sensing, land surface modeling, uncertainty analysis, land data assimilation systems.
- Tue, 10/20/2015 - 19:27
Research Interests: Command and Control, Multi-formalism Modeling, System Architectures
- Tue, 10/20/2015 - 19:27
Research interests: Decision Support Systems, Systems Architecture, Artificial Intelligence, Databases, Information Systems, Software Engineering, Mobile Computing, Agent-Based Systems