
  • July 26, 2023

    In an interview with the Portuguese newspaper Expresso, Alpaslan Özerdem, dean of the Carter School, identified the critical components of a successful reconstruction of Ukraine. According to Özerdem, the legitimacy of reconstruction rests upon including the needs of the Ukrainian population as a whole. He warned that focusing on the investment priorities of the funding parties, at the expense of the needs of the people who will live in the reconstructed zones, is a recipe for failure. Mental health, culture, and interpersonal connections in divided front-line communities should be priorities when planning reconstruction.

  • June 12, 2023

    A lengthy and comprehensive reconstruction effort will be needed to raise Ukraine from the rubble and provide a peaceful living environment for its displaced people. Before postwar reconstruction planning can start in earnest, however, international donors and Kyiv should have a clear understanding of the challenges that may be expected.