Titles and Organizations
Professor, Geography and Geoinformation Science
Contact Information
Building: 2209 Exploratory Hall, Ffx, MSN: 6C3
Phone: (301) 613-3782
Email: phouser@gmu.edu
Internationally recognized expert with 30 years of experience in climate variability and change, local to global land surface-atmospheric remote sensing, in-situ observation, numerical simulation, development and application of data assimilation methods, scientific integrity and policy, and global water and energy cycling. Led numerous scientific contributions including the development of Land Data Assimilation Systems, the Soil Moisture Satellite Mission, the Land Information System, the NASA Energy and Water Cycle Study, and the North American Water Program.
- PhD, Hydrology and Water Resources, University of Arizona (1992-1996)
- BS Cum Laude, Hydrology and Water Resources, University of Arizona (1988-1992)