Julia Painter, PhD, MPH

Julia Painter
Titles and Organizations

Adjunct Faculty, Public Health


Dr. Julia Painter is a Senior Epidemiologist at the Fairfax County Health Department, helping to shape the population health scope of work for the county. She holds a Master of Public Health degree with a customized concentration in Epidemiology and Social and Behavioral Sciences from Johns Hopkins University (2005), and a PhD in Behavioral Sciences and Health Education from Emory University (2010). From 2010–2012, she completed a post-doctoral fellowship with the Vaccinology Training Program at Emory University. From 2012–2013 she was a Research Assistant Professor at Emory University, and from 2013–2015 she served as an Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS) Officer with the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the Division of Foodborne, Waterborne, and Environmental Diseases. From 2015–2018 she was an Assistant Professor in Global and Community Health at George Mason University, where she led studies in behavioral epidemiology related to vaccinations.


Research Interests

  • The intersection of behavioral science and infectious disease prevention
  • The intersection of behavioral science and epidemiology
  • Behavioral science theory
  • Behavioral vaccinology
  • HIV/STD prevention
  • Waterborne disease prevention
  • Child, adolescent, and school health


* indicates student mentee

Painter, JE, von Fricken, ME, Viana de O. Mesquita, S*, DiClemente, RJ. Willingness to Pay for an Ebola Vaccine during the 2014-2016 Ebola Outbreak in West Africa: Results from a U.S. National Sample. Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics. (In press).

Plaster, AN*, Painter, JE, Tjersland, DH*, Jacobsen KH. College students’ knowledge, attitudes, and sources of information about Zika virus. Journal of Community Health. (In press).

von Fricken ME, Baigalmaa B, Dalantai G, Valenzuela L, Nymadorj T, Painter JE, & Lantos P. (2017). A Fatal Case of Imported Malaria in a Non-Endemic Developing Country – Mongolia, 2016. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Disease, 7(12), 815-816.

Painter, JE, Temple, BS*, Woods, LA*, Cwiak, C, Haddad, LB, Mulligan, MJ, & DiClemente, RJ. (2017) Theory-Based Analysis of Interest in an HIV Vaccine for Reasons Indicative of Risk Compensation among African American Women. Health Education and Behavior. [Epub ahead of print]

Painter, JE, DiClemente, RR, Jimenez, L*, Stuart, T, Sales, JM, & Mulligan, MJ. (2017). Exploring evidence for behavioral risk compensation among participants in an HIV vaccine clinical trial. Vaccine, 35(28), 3558-3563.

Painter, JE, Plaster, AN*, Tjersland, DH*, & Jacobsen KH. (2017). Zika virus knowledge, attitudes, and vaccine interest among university students. Vaccine, 35(6), 960-965.

Painter, JE, DiClemente, RJ, & von Fricken, ME. (2017). Interest in an Ebola vaccine among a U.S. national sample during the 2014–2016 Ebola outbreak in West Africa. Vaccine, 35(4), 508-512.

Painter, JE, Collier, SA, & Gargano, JW. (2017). Association between Giardia and arthritis or joint pain in a large health insurance cohort: could it be reactive arthritis? Epidemiology and Infection, 145(3), 471-477.

Yang, YT, Painter, JE, & Meier, BM. (2016). Coordinated regulatory efforts needed to strengthen travel related immunization requirements against importation of infectious diseases. Vaccine, 34(34), 3921-2.

Painter, JE, Gargano, JG, Collier, SC, Hlavsa, MH, & Yoder, JS. (2016). Evolving Epidemiology of Reported Cryptosporidiosis Cases in the United States, 1995–2012. Epidemiology and Infection, 144(8), 1792-802.

Kobayashi, M, Beer, KD, Bjork, A, Chatham-Stephens, K, Cherry, C, Arzoaquoi, S, Frank, W, Kumeh, O, Sieka, J, Yeiah, A, Painter, JE, Yoder, JS, Flannery, B, Mahoney, F, & Nyenswah, T. (2015). Community Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Regarding Ebola Virus Disease – Five Counties, Liberia, September-October, 2014. MMWR, 64(26), 714-718.

Painter, JE, Hlavsa, MC, Collier, SA, Xiao, L, & Yoder, JS. (2015). Cryptosporidiosis Surveillance — United States, 2011–2012. MMWR, 64(SS03), 1-14.

Painter, JE, Gargano, JW, Collier, SA, Yoder, JS. (2015). Giardiasis Surveillance — United States, 2011–2012. MMWR, 64(SS03),  15-24.

Painter, JE, Walker, AT, Pytell, J, Nua, NT, Soliai-Lemusu, S, Mintz, E, Ali, I, Parsons, M, Beach, M, Bowen, A, & Cope, J. (2015). Outbreak of Diarrheal Illness Caused by Shigella flexneri — American Samoa, May–June, 2014. MMWR, 64(1), 30-30.

Gargano, LM, Herbert, NL, Painter, JE, Sales, JM, Morfaw, C, Murray, D, DiClemente, RJ, & Hughes, JM. (2014). Development, Theoretical Framework, and Evaluation of a Parent and Teacher-Delivered Intervention on Adolescent Vaccination. Health Promotion Practice, 15(4), 556-567.

Gargano, LM, Herbert, NL, Painter, JE, Sales, JM, Morfaw, C, Murray, D, DiClemente, RJ, & Hughes, JM. (2013). Impact of a physician recommendation and parental immunization attitudes on receipt or intention to receive adolescent vaccines. Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics, 9(12), 2627-33.

Herbert, NL, Gargano, LM, Painter, JE, Sales, JM, Morfaw, C, Murray, D, DiClemente, RJ, & Hughes, JM. (2013). Understanding reasons for participating in a school-based influenza vaccination program and decision-making dynamics among adolescents and parents. Health Education Research, 28(4), 63-72.

Wingood, GM, Dunkle, K, Camp, C, Patel, S, Painter, JE, Rubtsova, A, & DiClemente, RJ. (2013). Racial Differences and correlates of potential adoption of preexposure prophylaxis: results of a national survey. JAIDS, 63, p.S95-101.

Painter, JE, Cene-Kush, C*, Conner, AS, Cwiak, C, Haddad, LB, Mulligan, MJ, & DiClemente, RJ. (2013). Anticipated HIV Vaccine Acceptability among Sexually Active African-American Adult Women. Vaccines, 1(2), 88-104.

Frew, PM, Painter, JE, Hixson, B, Klub, C, Moore, K, Del Rio, C, Esteves-Jaramillo, A, & Omer, SB.(2012). Factors Mediating Seasonal and Influenza A (H1N1) Vaccine Acceptance among Ethnically Diverse Populations in the Urban South. Vaccine, 30(28),  4200-8.

Painter, JE, Wingood, GM, DiClemente, RJ, DePadilla, LM, & Simpson-Robinson, L. (2012). College Graduation Reduces Vulnerability to STIs / HIV among African-American Young Adult Women. Women’s Health Issues, 22(3), e303-10.

DiClemente, RJ, Painter, JE, Sales, JM, & Gargano, LM. (2012). Overcoming barriers to optimizing delivery of seasonal influenza vaccine to US adolescents. Expert Review of Vaccines, 11(4), 387-9.

Berg, CJ, Painter, JE, Mays, DM, Sales, JM, Rose, E, Wingood, GM, & DiClemente, RJ. (2012). Cigarette smoking, sexual risk behaviors, and STI outcomes among African American adolescent females. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 36(4), 505-12.

DiClemente, RJ, Young, A, Painter, JE, Sales, JM, & Rose, E. (2012). Prevalence and Correlates of Recent Vaginal Douching among African American Adolescent Females. Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology, 25(1), 48-53.

Sales, JM, Painter, JE, Pazol, K, Gargano, Orenstein, WO, Hughes, JM, & DiClemente, RJ. (2011). Rural parents' vaccination-related attitudes and intention to vaccinate middle and high school children against influenza following educational influenza vaccination intervention. Human Vaccines, 7(11), 1146-52.

Gargano, LM, Pazol, K, MPH, Sales, JM, Painter, JE, Morfaw, C, Jones, LM, Weiss, P, Buehler, JW, Murray, D, Wingood, GM, Orenstein, WA, DiClemente, RJ, & Hughes, JM. (2011). Influenza Vaccine Delivery to Adolescents: Evaluation of Two Multi-component Interventions. Pediatrics, 128(5), e1092-9.

Painter, JE, Gargano, LM, Sales, JM, Morfaw, C, Jones, LM, Murray, D, DiClemente, RJ, & Hughes, JM. (2011). Correlates of 2009 H1N1 Influenza Vaccine Acceptability among Parents and Their Adolescent Children. Health Education Research, 26(5),  751-760.

Gargano, LM, Painter, JE, Sales, JM, Morfaw, C, Jones, LM, Weiss, P, Murray, D, DiClemente RJ, & Hughes, JM. (2011). Correlates of 2009 pandemic H1N1 influenza vaccine acceptance among middle and high school teachers in rural Georgia. Journal of School Health, 81(6), 297-303.

Painter, JE, Sales, JM, Pazol, K, Wingood, GM, Windle, M, Orenstein, WA, & DiClemente, RJ. (2011). Adolescent attitudes toward influenza vaccination and vaccine uptake in a school-based influenza vaccination intervention: A mediation analysis. Journal of School Health, 81(6), 304-12.

Gargano, LM, Painter, JE, Sales, JM, Morfaw, C, Jones, LM, Weiss, P, Murray, D, DiClemente RJ, & Hughes, JM. (2011). Seasonal and 2009 H1N1 influenza vaccine uptake, predictors of vaccination, and self-reported barriers to vaccination among secondary school teachers. Human Vaccines, 7(1), 89-95.

Painter, JE, Gargano, LM, Sales, JM, Perez, AJ, Wingood, GM, Windle, M, & DiClemente, RJ. (2010). Adolescents’ attitudes toward vaccinations: A systematic review. Current Pediatric Reviews, 6(4), 237-49.

Painter, JE, Sales, JM, Pazol, K, Wingood, GM, Windle, M, Orenstein, WA, & DiClemente, RJ. (2010). Psychosocial correlates of intention to receive an influenza vaccination among rural adolescents. Health Education Research, 25(5), 853-64.

Painter, JE, Sales, JM, Pazol, K, Grimes, T, Wingood, GM, & DiClemente, RJ. (2010). Development, Theoretical Framework, and Lessons Learned from Implementation of a School-Based Influenza Vaccination Intervention. Health Promotion Practice, 11 (Suppl. 1), 42S-52S.

Kegler, MC, Painter, JE, Norton, B, Twiss, J, & Aronson, R. (2009). Measuring Participation in Community Health Promotion: Observations from the California Healthy Cities and Communities Program. Health Promotion International, 24(4), 300-10.

Painter, JE, Borba, CP, Hynes, M, Mays, D, & Glanz, K. (2008). The use of theory in health behavior research from 2000 – 2005: A systematic review. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 35(3), 358-62.


"Modelling Prospects of Malaria Elimination in Haiti," Office of the Provost, George Mason University. von Fricken, M.E. (Principal Investigator), 2017–2018. Role: Co-investigator. $33,000.

"Innovations in understanding and responding to the psycho-social health impacts of endometriosis among young adult women," Endometriosis Foundation of America. Gupta, J. (Principal Investigator), 2017–2019. Role: Co-Investigator. $170,000.

"Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviors of George Mason University students in relation to Zika virus," OSCAR Undergraduate Research Scholars Program, George Mason University. Plaster, A. (Student Investigator), 2016–2017. Role: Faculty Mentor. $1,500.

"Exploring HIV Vaccines with African-American Adolescent Female/Caregiver Dyads," Emory Center for AIDS Research: CFAR03. 2012–2013. Role: Principal Investigator. $28,739. 

"HVARC (HIV Vaccine Attitudes and Risk Compensation) project, Study #2, Risk compensation associated with HIV vaccination among MSM participating in an HIV vaccine clinical trial," Emory Center for AIDS Research: Developmental Core Micro Grant. 2011–2012. Role: Principal Investigator. $1,500.

"Let’s Talk HIV Prevention 2011," Global HIV Vaccine Enterprise. Painter, J.E. and Frew, P. (co-Principal Investigators), 2011. Role: Co-Principal Investigator.

"HVARC (HIV Vaccine Attitudes and Risk Compensation) project, Study #1, Risk compensation associated with HIV vaccination among African American Women," Emory Center for AIDS Research: Developmental Core Micro Grant. 2010–2011. Role: Principal Investigator). $1,500.

"Emory University Vaccinology Training Program (VTP)," National Institutes of Health (NIH): T32. Mulligan, M. (Principal Investigator), 2010–2012. Role: Postdoctoral fellow.

"Enhancing adolescent immunization through Parent and Teacher Interventions," Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: U01. Hughes, J. (Principal Investigator), 2010–2014. Role: Postdoctoral fellow.

"The relationship between attitudes and beliefs toward influenza vaccination and vaccine uptake among rural adolescents," U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): R36 Dissertation Grant. 2008-2009. Role: Principal Investigator. $35,000.

Honors and Awards


  • Selected, Research Scholars Mentorship Program, 2017, American Academy of Health Behavior
  • Honor Award, 2015, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  • Dean’s Teaching Fellowship, 2009-2010, Emory University, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
  • Problem-Based Learning Fellowship, 2007-2008, Emory Center for Science Education
  • AmeriCorps Education Award, 2003, AmeriCorps
  • Master Teacher of the Year, 2002-2003, Project Grad Atlanta, Atlanta Public Schools




  • PhD, Behavioral Sciences and Health Education, Emory University
  • MPH, Epidemiology and Social and Behavioral Science, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
  • BA, Biology and Society, Cornell University