Titles and Organizations
Associate Professor and Director of Studio Art, School of Art, CVPA
Photo credit: Elizabeth Kartchner
Contact Information
Phone: 703-993-3076
Campus: Fairfax
Building: Art and Design Building
Room 2033
Mail Stop: 1C3
Campus: Fairfax
Building: Art and Design Building
Room 2033
Mail Stop: 1C3
Email: ckardamb@gmu.edu
Personal Websites
Christopher Kardambikis explores space, process, and narrative through books, prints, and drawings. A bibliophile and zinester, Christopher founded Paper Cuts, a podcast and publishing platform that documents the contemporary world of zines and artist publications, as an excuse to talk to people about the books they make. He received his BFA from Carnegie Mellon University and MFA from the University of California, San Diego. Christopher is an Associate Professor at George Mason University.
- BFA, Carnegie Mellon University
- MFA, University of California, San Diego
Specialist Areas:
- Printmaking
- Book Arts
- Comics and Zines
- DIY Publishing
- Letterpress
- Printing
- Graduate Seminar