In This Story
George Mason University's College of Engineering and Computing (CEC) continues to expand its presence and influence on the world stage, with two CEC administrators elected to leadership positions in global organizations.

Dean Ken Ball was elected to the Executive Committee of the Global Engineering Deans Council (GEDC), a network of engineering deans, corporate partners, and other stakeholders with “a goal to advance engineering education and research and to help engineering deans improve their ability to transform schools.” Ball will serve a three-year term with the chance to be elected to a second term.
Ariela Sofer, divisional dean for the Volgenau School of Engineering and a professor in the Systems Engineering and Operations Research department, was elected to the Executive Committee of the International Federation of Engineering Education Societies (IFEES), a global network working to improve engineering education. Sofer will serve a two-year term with the chance to be elected to a second term.

Ball was instrumental in bringing the GEDC and IFEES Secretariat to George Mason in 2018, where it is housed in CEC.
GEDC and IFEES jointly hold the World Engineering Education Forum every two years. This year’s event is in Sydney, Australia, December 2-5.