Schar School in the News: August 26th - 30th, 2024


Christian Science Monitor: Zachary Kallenborn comments on the ethical concerns of using drone swarms in combat.

War on the Rocks: Active-duty Marine Corps officer and Schar School fellow Ryan Pallas op-eds on the dangers of downsizing the U.S. military.

The Washington Post: A Washington Post-Schar School poll on is cited in a story about voter reaction to last week’s Democratic National Convention (DNC).

Small Wars Journal: Mahmut Cengiz writes an op-ed discussing Turkey's evolving influence in Syria.

State of the Student Vote: Jennifer Victor and PhD candidate Tim Bynion describe their study of the effectiveness of their in-person voter engagement project on the George Mason campus.

India Education Diary: Announcing a new $1.5M George Mason-National Science Foundation study to analyze hurdles to electrifying bus fleets.

Small Wars Journal: Guadalupe Correa-Cabrera cowrites an op-ed on the complexities of organized crime in Mexico.

The National Interest: Graduate student Zacarias Saderup co-authors an op-ed about Canada’s potential impact on U.S. international relationships.

The Dialogue: Guadalupe Correa-Cabrera is quoted among experts answering questions about the risks of running a business in Mexico amidst increased gang violence.

Dialogo Americas: Mahmut Cengiz is quoted on the growing influence of Turkish criminal networks in Latin America

Osmanqizi (video; translation may be needed): Richard Kauzlarich reflects on Putin’s recent visit to Azerbaijan.

KTVU FOX 2 (San Francisco, CA): Guadalupe Correa-Cabrera discusses a U.S.-Mexico dispute regarding judicial overhaul. Correa-Cabrera starts at the 27-second mark.

Sports Business Journal: A Washington Post-Schar School poll on where fans thing the Washington NFL team should play is cited in a story debating the location.