Songqing Chen named IEEE Fellow

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Songqing Chen, a Professor in George Mason University’s Department of Computer Science was recently named an IEEE Fellow for contributions to Internet streaming, content delivery, and security.

According to the IEEE website, “IEEE Fellow is a distinction reserved for select IEEE members whose extraordinary accomplishments in any of the IEEE fields of interest are deemed fitting of this prestigious grade elevation.”  The honor is particularly notable given that only approximately 7,000 of IEEE’s 400,000 members are elevated to Fellow status. 

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Chen’s prior work was related to Internet streaming and content delivery, allowing viewers to watch their favorite movies and programs without interruptions and the dreaded “buffering” spinning wheel. “The technique we implemented enables you to watch content progressively, as we cut the entire file into small chunks and then deliver it chunk-by-chunk,” he said, using the technical term for a piece of content. “We deliver one chunk and if you don’t stop watching we deliver the next chunk.” The next phase of his research is on virtual reality and what’s called immersive computing. “To use an old buzzword, think of the ‘Metaverse,’” he says.

Chen first joined IEEE as a Ph.D. student at William and Mary, over 20 years ago. He attends various regional, international, and content-specific conferences and events put on by the society. 

