Outstanding Graduating Student: Katelyn Moore


Each semester, the College of Humanities and Social Sciences recognizes some of their most outstanding graduating students. Honors College Spring 2024 graduate Katelyn Moore was nominated by the School of Integrative Studies for her academic achievements and contributions.

Portrait of Katelyn outdoors in a green wooded area

What was the most impactful class you took in your major? 

The most impactful class that I have taken in my major is INTS 337: Social Justice Consciousness with Dr. Aoi Yamanaka. I have spent much of my academic career examining how systems of power marginalize folks, but assignments in this course force you to dig deeper into your own privilege and biases, listen to classmates’ stories of microaggressions and vulnerabilities as well as share one of your own, and develop a course activism and advocacy project with a randomized small group of classmates. This course makes everything I have learned about in my other classes that much more personal, which has shaped the way that I see my relationship with social justice.

What activities were you involved in during your time at Mason that impacted you? 

During my time at Mason, I served several roles on the Alpha Kappa Chi Executive Board. Alpha Kappa Chi (AKX) is a fraternity that brings together students that care about the environment for community-building in terms of activism, service, networking, and friendships, and while in the organization, I helped to coordinate professional opportunities, clean-ups on and off campus, and team building. I was also a part of Patriot Public Interest Research Group (PIRG), where I had worked with an amazing team on research about food insecurity on campus. I currently work as the Lead Program Advisor, primarily focusing on social media management and outreach event coordination, at the Women and Gender Studies Center, which allows me to bring together my passions for activism and community.

What is your most memorable “Mason moment?” 

My most memorable moment at Mason inside or outside of the classroom is picking figs from the trees at the Potomac Heights Organic Vegetable Garden. University Sustainability and the Greenhouse and Gardens Program have played a huge role in my Mason experience. As part of a few of my course classes, we are required to volunteer a certain number of hours, and I always chose to volunteer at the Hydroponic Greenhouse and at the Vegetable Garden. In fact, as part of my EVPP 480: Sustainability in Action course project, my group planted a pollinator garden at the Potomac Heights Organic Vegetable Garden because that location just had so much meaning for myself and my team members. I find so much joy and value in being able to see food grow, garden with others, and even pick some of the fruits and vegetables myself!

As you are reflecting on your time at Mason, what is one piece of advice you would give a student who is just starting off on their Mason journey?

One piece of advice I would give to a student just starting off on their Mason journey is to not be afraid to get yourself out there! I would generally describe myself as pretty shy, and I am so grateful to have been able to join on-campus organizations during my first semester for the support system and satisfaction that clubs can provide. Do your best to attend any and all events that you’re interested in. For me, that meant taking advantage of free student tickets for student theater productions and going to Visiting Filmmakers Series events whenever I could. I also love attending guest lectures, especially since working at the Women and Gender Studies Center because often, I know a lot of the professors who are speaking or have an opportunity to speak with them afterwards!

What is your next step after graduation? What are your future plans?

My next step after graduation is to find a community-oriented job in Richmond, VA. I love the area, and there is so much opportunity there for people like myself who are interested in community engagement and environmental preservation. I am not sure exactly what the future holds, but I will always be grateful for my experience at Mason and the doors it has opened for me.