Pilot program to provide copy editing and proposal feedback in October


In collaboration with the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, the Office of Research Development is piloting a program to provide faculty free grant writing services with either copy editing or overall proposal feedback. Faculty with nearly finalized proposals OR previously submitted proposals that failed to compete successfully in review will benefit from these pilots.

Copy editing on a nearly finalized OR previously submitted proposals will be performed by student teams from English 503 (Theory and Practice of Editing) and English 483 (Technical Editing). There is currently no charge for this service. Applications must be submitted for copy editing by Monday, Oct. 16. All materials will be kept confidential and all edits will be provided anonymously through course directors. Space is limited and registration is required. Individuals selected to participated will be contacted by email with instructions for submitting application materials.

Graduate student led teams from English 489-509 (Proposal Writing/Development) will provide feedback on nearly finalized OR previously submitted proposals in terms of how the proposal meets the requirements of the proposal solicitation. Provide the proposal and the proposal solicitation by Thursday, Oct. 26. For previously reviewed proposals, faculty may also provide reviewer comments. All applications will be kept confidential. Space is limited and registration is required. Individuals selected to participate will be contacted by email with instructions for submitting application materials.