Art Across the Sea: Maria Karametou

Maria Karametou's work

This summer there are quite a few Mason School of Art Faculty/ Students who are working on art Internationally!

Let’s highlight some of the amazing artists and the work they are doing.

If you are exhibiting and would like to share your work, DM us!

First up is our very own Mason School of Art Faculty, Professor Maria Karametou.

Maria Karametou is an artist, professor, writer, and curator.

Karametou participated in the international invitational exhibition “Art Communicating Conflict Resolution.”

The project is presented under the auspices of the Mayor of Culture and Tourism in Thessaloniki, Macedonia, Greece.

Scheduled activities involve a UNESCO conference sponsored by the Chair of Intercultural Policy for Active Citizenship and Solidarity.

Artist Statement:

Despite the Universal Declaration of Human Rights issued by the United Nations General Assembly on Dec. 10, 1948, and despite our assertions about “self-evident” truths that everyone has certain “inalienable rights,” our world continues to see widespread conflict, wars, and consistent persecution of “the different.” With my mixed media works in this show, I visually express my response to recent global upheavals impacting our lives today, hoping that, instead of engaging with each other from a place of conflict, we put our advances in science, medicine, and, especially, technology to the peaceful resolution of our differences.

