These faculty members received awards for their achievements in research.
New external awards include:
- Lily Wang’s NSF award on “Keeping Shelters in Place: Understanding the Impacts of Residential Landlord Decision-Making on Post-Disaster Housing Stability,”
- John Stufken’s NSF award on “Collaborative Research: Design-Based Optimal Subdata Selection Using Mixture-of-Experts Models to Account for Big Data Heterogeneity”,
- Pramita Bagchi’s NSF Award on “Collaborative Research: Time Series,”
- Jiayang Sun’s new VA award , Rosenberger’s NIH subaward on “Prospective Change in Preclinical MRI Markers of ADRD Risk and Brain Aging”
- Seiyong Lee’s co-I award for a big NIH HEAL grant, along with PI Siddhartha Sikdar
- Niloofar Ramezani’s co-PI award on “Age well Community Pilot Project.”
- Continuing awardees for other external fundings include Vidayshaka, Slawski, Qiao, Sun, Wang, Hu, Lee, Hunter, Auerbach, Kepplinger, Fadahunsi, and Dassanayake.