Donna Tressler says she does whatever it takes to get the job done in George Mason University’s Science and Technology Campus Executive Office.
“I’m a very behind-the-scenes person, but I make sure that whatever we’re trying to do, that we’re successful at it,” Tressler said.
Tressler, who is January Employee of the Month, has been an administrative specialist for the Executive Office since September 2014.
From managing multiple calendars, supporting the SciTech Campus Advisory Board, overseeing campus tours, and running the SciTech Campus Facebook page, “you name it, I do it,” Tressler said.
“When she is at work, she is focused, driven and ready to help the team succeed day in and day out,” said Colby Grant, assistant director of operations for the SciTech Campus Executive Office.
Tressler has led the marketing efforts for many events, including Leadercast, a leadership conference the Executive Office hosted in 2018 and 2019. Tressler attended multiple lessons on marketing, social media success, and search engine optimization to create every piece of marketing material for Leadercast.
“She is an avid learner and actively pursues trainings that will enhance the office goals, her colleagues and improvements to processes,” said Debbie Weitzman-Ward, assistant director of administration for the SciTech Campus Executive Office.
While the event was transferred to the Prince William Chamber of Commerce in 2020, Tressler continued to help with promotion by assisting with her social media skills and large database of contacts.
“Everything that she works on is delivered with impeccable professionalism that makes all participants feel welcome and included,” said Amy Adams, executive director of Mason’s Institute for Biohealth Innovation.
“Because of her support, we can grow and thrive at the SciTech campus and Mason at large,” Adams said.
How she got to Mason:
I previously worked in administrative roles for custom manufacturers. Prior to my position at Mason, I worked for a commercial real estate agency. Commercial real estate was hit hard by the last recession, and I felt it was time for a change. I had a conversation with Heather Aleknavage, the office manager and HR coordinator for Mason’s Office of Sponsored Programs, and she told me to apply to Mason. I did, and here I am.
Best day on the job:
Whenever a VIP campus tour is over, and Ronald Carmichael, the director of administration and operations for the SciTech Campus Executive Office, comes back and says, “That was fantastic,”—that’s a good day.
What she likes best about working at Mason:
I like the diversity of all the people here. You could be walking down the hall and run into a researcher or an engineer. I love how there are so many different people with so many different backgrounds. You never know who you’re going to be talking to.
What she does when she’s not working:
I am married with a 13-year-old daughter who is my “mini me.” I also have two step-sons who are grown and married with families of their own. My husband, daughter, and I live on five acres with our two foxhounds and a brood of chickens. I am a big reader so when I’m not hanging out with my family or working in our huge vegetable garden, you will find me curled up somewhere with a book.