Mason hosts Fall 2020 Virtual Career Fair Oct. 8-9

George Mason University’s University Career Services is expecting 100 employers to attend its Fall 2020 Virtual Career Fair held Oct. 8 and 9. The fair is intended for students of all majors interested in exploring internships, part-time jobs and full-time employment to meet with potential employers.  Students wishing to attend must register by Tuesday, Oct. 6.

University Career Services holds a number of career fairs throughout the year, with two main events in October and February.

There are benefits to attending a job fair in a virtual environment, said Saskia N. Campbell, executive director of University Career Services.

“Employers are able to have information available before the fair at their virtual booths, so interested students can do research and leave questions before it even starts,” Campbell said. “There are employers hiring, even in this economic environment, so why pass up an opportunity to explore career options and talk to employers in a virtual space?”

Career fairs allow students the opportunity to get feedback on their resumes and ask questions pertaining to immediate employment. In addition, students who are still exploring different career options can learn about various job prospects and what they entail, said Campbell. There will be a variety of employers in attendance, including government agencies, educational organizations, tech companies, financial institutions, nonprofit agencies and health care entities.

Before the coronavirus pandemic, career fairs were held inside and usually packed with both students and employers, Campbell said. The virtual platform has a cap on the number of employers allowed to have booths at one time to allow for more meaningful conversations, and there will be more opportunities for other employers to interact with students later this fall, Campbell said.

Career Fair Manager Bernadette Davey said that the virtual fair allows for students to meet employers in a calmer environment than an in-person fair.

“You don’t have parking and driving hassles. You aren’t in a hot crowded room,” said Davey. “You can sit in front of your computer in your own room and prepare yourself comfortably before entering an employer’s virtual booth.”

University Career Services will also have a booth on the virtual platform, Davey said, where students can get advice on how to interview well and how to cope with nervousness.

“If anyone is feeling nervous, they can always go into our booth first, before visiting a potential employer,” said Davey.

Student wishing to register for the Fall 2020 Virtual Career Fair should do so here.