January 30, 2020: Update on Student with Symptoms of Coronavirus

Dear Mason Patriots,

The university continues to await more information on the student who has displayed symptoms consistent with the coronavirus.  The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is working as fast as it can, but it is dealing with a number of cases from across the country and that has slowed our results. Once we receive more information, we will update you immediately.

The student remains in self-isolation and is not living on or visiting campus.  We are not aware of any other potential cases among the university community and continue to closely watch the situation.

Today the World Health Organization declared the coronavirus a global health emergency. We continue to monitor the Virginia Department of Health website. As part of that process, we have learned of a second test pending for the Northern Virginia region. We have no information at this time that suggests the case is related to the case involving our student. 

Please continue to observe the following precautions to prevent the spread of all communicable diseases: wash your hands often, cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze, eat healthy foods, get enough sleep, decrease stress, and limit or eliminate the use of tobacco products. The university will provide more information when it becomes available.

For all information about this situation provided by the university please visit https://ready.gmu.edu/category/advisories/


Student Health Services

George Mason University

703.993.2831 |shs.gmu.edu 


Safety, Emergency, & Enterprise Risk Management
George Mason University

703.993.8448 |ehs.gmu.edu |risk.gmu.edu