January 23, 2020: Mason Monitors Coronavirus Outbreak, Recommends Precautions

Dear Mason Patriots,

You are likely aware of reports of an evolving communicable disease outbreak in Wuhan, China.  The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is monitoring this outbreak and is implementing precautionary measures for travelers returning from the impacted areas in China.  The University is monitoring this situation and is following guidance provided by the CDC, Virginia Department of Health, and local health departments.  At this time no restrictions on academic, operational, or extracurricular activities are advised. The CDC and local health departments deem the risk to the American public to be low; however, there are precautions we can take to prevent the spread of all communicable diseases at Mason.

Guard against all communicable diseases by washing your hands often, covering your mouth when you cough or sneeze, eating healthy foods, getting enough sleep, decreasing stress, and limiting or eliminating the use of tobacco products. These same wellness and hygiene precautions can also help limit the spread of the novel coronavirus if an outbreak occurs in the United States. For more CDC information about the 2019 novel coronavirus, click here

Seasonal influenza activity in the United States and in Virginia continues to be high.  The flu shot is the best way to protect yourself from the flu.  Flu shots are available through primary care physicians and local pharmacies.

If you are a student and have a fever, with or without respiratory symptoms (cough, shortness of breath), we advise you to call 703-993-2831 and speak with a nurse or seek medical care, and alert Student Health Services staff if you have traveled to Wuhan City within the past 14 days. 

Faculty and staff who become ill should consult with their primary care physician, seek medical attention as necessary, and notify their supervisor. 

Anyone exhibiting symptoms of a communicable disease is advised to remain out of class, away from work, and avoid others for the duration of the illness and for 24 hours after symptoms abate. For more information about communicable disease response procedures at Mason, please see the Communicable Disease Guide. Students and employees scheduled to travel to China should observe the CDC travel precautions for China and remain away from Wuhan City.

If additional precautions are required, the university will communicate the precautions needed to protect the health of our community.


Student Health Services 

George Mason University

703.993.2831 |shs.gmu.edu 


Safety, Emergency, & Enterprise Risk Management
George Mason University

703.993.8448 |ehs.gmu.edu |risk.gmu.edu