The Green Machine performs at the World Series prior to the start of Game 5

Photos by George Mason University's Lathan Goumas and Evan Cantwell. Video by George Mason University's Lathan Goumas and Davey Robinson. 

George Mason University’s Green Machine delivered during Sunday evening’s performance at Nationals Park prior to Game 5 of the World Series.

Approximately 100 members of the nationally renowned pep band performed at the Budweiser Terrace from 4 to 7:15 p.m., to entertain fans entering the area of the stadium that sees the most foot traffic. Michael Nickens, the Green Machine’s director more affectionately known as “Doc Nix,” and several other members of the band had performed just outside the stadium gates on Friday afternoon while doing several televised interviews.

“It’s very special that this is happening in Washington, D.C.,” Nickens said during an interview with ESPN UK. “I’ve spent my whole life here and wanted this band to really represent the area and contribute, hopefully, to something that would happen like this.”

The Green Machine, which was ranked the top pep band in college basketball by in 2015, comprises students from all majors and from the community.