Robinson Hall is coming down, one bite at a time

You've seen the protective green fencing. You've been told it will happen.

Now, Robinson Hall is finally coming down, courtesy of a prehistoric-looking machine that is literally chewing its way through the old building. And what an appetite it has, as the below video demonstrates.

You can expect to see more fencing and construction activity around campus as the project accelerates.

It's all part of the Core Campus Project that is turning the center of George Mason University's Fairfax Campus into a vibrant, globally connected hub for intellectual exploration. The cornerstone is a state-of-the-art, 218,000-square-foot building of classrooms, workplaces and meeting rooms that will rise in Robinson's place.

And if that isn't enough for you, check out these five overhead photos of the demolition taken by a Mason Police drone, followed by three close-up shots of the vanishing building.