Statement from President Cabrera on the Charlottesville violence

Dear Patriots,

Like most of you, I am deeply disturbed by the white supremacist demonstrations in Charlottesville this weekend. It is heartbreaking that three people lost their lives and others suffered injuries as a consequence of these events.

The choice of a college campus to express an ideology of hatred through violence and intimidation appears quite deliberate, precisely because universities like ours work hard to exemplify the exact opposite of what these ideologies assert.

That is why it is as important as ever that we remain an example of civil and informed discourse, a space where people of all backgrounds, races, and faiths can be free to be and to express themselves without fear.

With Mason´s mission as our guide—an inclusive community committed to creating a more just, free, and prosperous world—we stand firmly with our colleagues and neighbors in Charlottesville against racism and bigotry in all its forms.  

— Ángel Cabrera