Study abroad experience: Brittany Davey, GVIP major

Where: Budapest, Hungary

When: Spring 2014 semester

1. What made you choose this opportunity?

I chose this opportunity because after many years of studying in the United States I wanted to expand and broaden my cultural perspectives by studying abroad in a foreign country. Along with the great cultural experience I wanted to travel to Budapest, Hungary because it seemed to be a different experience then the common study abroad locations such as England, Spain, Italy, etc. I was also quite interested to obtain better knowledge and an understanding of different countries and how they function. As a person with different ethnic backgrounds it intrigues me to visit distinct countries and learn their customs, languages, and manners.

2. This program included an internship. What were some of your job duties?

I was accepted to work at the American Corner Budapest, an embassy sponsored program that acts as a portal for gaining access to information and resources about the United States. The American Corner Budapest serves as a fully functional cultural bridge that links Hungarian and American Culture together.

While working at the American Corner Budapest, I provided information for visitors about the facility, upcoming events, and oversaw the library. Along with this I was assigned to lead and attend Corner events either in collaboration with the U.S. Embassy or Corvinus University. I scheduled and planned many program events and assisted with outside events for which the American Corner provides public relations. On the days that we did not hold events the duties assigned were: to write up reports about past and upcoming programs, maintain the library, practice English with Corner members, and translate/proof-read any written online works.

3. As a government and international politics major, how do you think studying abroad will help you with your future goals?

As a government major, I hold a great amount of interest in state and international affairs. After being accepted to the program I began to read more about Hungary and began to learn about the many possible opportunities that it offers. Hungary to me seemed like a fortunate challenge and opportunity to learn more about a different part of the world as well as to learn a new language. When thinking about studying abroad in Hungary it looked to me as a challenge to venture out to Eastern Europe instead of Western Europe.


The culture and society of Eastern Europe has always intrigued me because it is still enduring the transition of social and political reforms. Eastern Europe seemed like a different world and I wanted to be able to tell my friends and family the experiences that I gained in such an area. Throughout the course of the semester I was able to witness different political events and learn about the cultural and social norms that Hungary holds. Along with the internship experience, the classes that we took were extremely beneficial to my major. They highlighted all the different characteristics about Hungary pertaining to gender studies, government, and the different ethnic identities and cultures that make up the country, primarily focused on Roma identity and studies.

4. What was something unexpected you learned about yourself as a result of this experience?

I was very surprised to see how easy I adapted to Budapest, and how easy it was to transition into a new home and area for four months. My biggest concern before the program was that I would feel homesick and not be able to communicate properly with the language there. I was very shocked to learn quickly I was able to pick up some Hungarian phrases and properly pronounce the words. Talking with the locals was very beneficial and I was very happy and surprised to see how many locals were eager to teach me Hungarian. Budapest is a big and popular international scene that most people may not be aware of but should venture out and experience what this city has to offer. Immersing yourself in a different culture brings so many benefits in your life and gives you a different perspective about yourself.


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